Privacy policy

Handling of your personal information (privacy policy) (privatlivspolitik)

When shopping on the website, please provide the following information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

We only need to record your information for the purpose of delivery. Personal information is stored for 5 years, after which the data will be deleted.

Your personal information is not stored in encrypted form.

When placing an order, you will, of course, need to provide payment information. Payment information is encrypted and is only accessible to Nets. Payment information is recorded in encrypted form at the time of purchase in case of refunds for purchased items.

Information provided in connection with purchases on this webshop will never be disclosed or sold to third parties. As a registered customer, you always have the right to object to the use of your data. You also have the right to know what data is recorded about you.

Purchases of goods on the webshop are subject to Danish law. If you have any questions, please send them to