Kristine Vedel Adeltoft Ceramics
Welcome to my world of ceramics. I specialize in creating functional ceramics, from elegant tableware to everyday essentials. You can find my crafted pieces in my studio, in my online store and at selected retailers, locally and in Copenhagen.
Jeg samarbejde med anerkendte restauranter som Restaurant noma i København, Hart bagerierne og Hotel Saxkøbing og leverer specialfremstillede tallerkener og skåle til gastronomi.
You’re warmly invited to visit my studio in Nørre Alslev on Falster.
Jeg har et stort og velfungerende værksted på gården, hvor jeg arbejder fuldtid. Mit arbejde er meget sanseligt. Jeg er inspireret af naturen omkring mig, og jeg forsøger at fange en lille smule af den energi i skabelsesprocessen, så det lever videre i mine ting og kan fornemmes af den, der holder det og bruger det.
My inspiration is undoubtedly drawn from the nature that surrounds me on Lolland-Falster, and many of my glazes are named after places on Falster where I have visited or frequently explore. For example, my Ulslev glaze, named after Ulslev Strand on Falster’s east coast, embodies the cool, subdued tones of the beach, while the Hesnæs glaze incorporates clay found on Hesnæs Strand, establishing a concrete connection to the place. Sometimes, it’s an unintentional resemblance that emerges in my glazes after they are created, reminding me of a specific place.
Min interesse for keramik begyndte i mine unge år hvor jeg modtog undervisning af keramiker Carsten Dinesen i et par år. Efter flere år fyldt med forskellige kreative projekter og jobs, var det roen på en gård på Falster, der førte mig tilbage til leret.
Under the mentorship of ceramist Bjarne Hansen, I learned the art of wheel throwing, and I was highly influenced by his unpretentious approach to the craft and its materials.
My creative journey also led me to assist Ceramic Designer Lauge Brimgiest, delving even deeper into the understanding of glazes, their origins, and the chemistry behind.
Kristine Vedel Adeltoft er medlem af:
Danske Kunsthåndværkere (DKoD)

Danske Pottemagere

Falster Clay
I am a part of Falster Clay which offers workshops in ceramics and development of glazes.